1. What is Asha?
    Asha is a non-profit organization with the primary goal of providing basic education to children in India. Asha was started in the summer of 1991, when a few students at Berkeley got together to do their part in bringing hope and opportunity to poor and underprivileged children.
  2. How does Asha achieve its goals?
    We at Asha believe that an educated population is both a critical requisite and an effective catalyst for socio-economic changes in India. We work through non-governmental organizations working in rural areas of the country. We raise funds for these groups, conduct site visits and monitor their progress. We also try to raise awareness in our local community about child illiteracy issues in India.
  3. How does Asha select projects?
    1. We usually hear about projects through mail or word-of-mouth. Asha works with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that have no political or religious affiliations. We screen the projects rigorously through correspondence and site visits.
    2. After a project is approved for support, we raise funds for their requirements.
    3. After sending the funds, we regularly monitor the progress through periodic written reports and annual site visits.
  4. Is Asha an acronym?
    No Asha is not an acronym. Asha stands for Hope in several Indian languages. The hope that good education holds for the children of India and for the future of the country. The hope that we aim to bring into the lives of children in India.
  5. How big is Asha?
    Since its inception, people from different parts of the US and Europe have joined this endeavor. Asha for Education has more than 50 chapters across 3 continent
  6. What are our costs?
    Asha for Education is run entirely by volunteers. Thus, we do not deduct any salary / expenses from general donations.
  7. Who does Asha Zurich consist of?
    We are a group of professionals from the Zurich area, and our chapter was started with Indian Students Association of Zurich in 2002.
  8. How does Asha Zurich as a chapter, operate within the larger framework of the worldwide organization?
    Though chapters of Asha are part of the worldwide organization, they function as independent entities. Thus, Asha Zurich carries out its own fundraising and funds projects selected by its own members. We do work closely with other chapters and sometimes jointly fund projects.
  9. What are some of the activities of Asha Zurich?
    We raise (plan to raise) funds through direct donations, cultural programs and fundraisers. We evaluate and fund projects in India, arrange for site visits and publicise them among our donors. 
  10. How do I join Asha?
    Asha is an open group, with no bureaucracy or hierarchy. We encourage members to take initiative and volunteer for what they enjoy doing. You can ' join ' Asha simply by attending our meetings!
  11. Is there a membership fee?
    There is no membership fee required for joining Asha. However, members do contribute, on a purely voluntary basis, funds for administrative expenses.
  12. Where are the meetings held?
    Asha meetings are open to all. Please check the meeting venue and time here for information on when and where our meetings are held. Please also join the mailing list for announcements on when and where the meetings are held.
  13. Can I participate even if I don't have much free time?
    Yes. Depending on the amount of time commitment you can make, you can volunteer for one-time or periodic activities. You can also help raise funds by doing publicity during social/cultural functions.
  14. Can I be an Asha Zurich volunteer even if I don't live in Zurich?
    Absolutely! We have a number of members and active volunteers who live outside of Zurich. Take a look at our Get Involved page to see the various activities you can undertake as a volunteer - a number of them can be done even if you're in another city.
  15. How can I help raise funds?
    1. Make a donation to Asha project funds.
    2. Help us publicize Asha at local events or by making a presentation in your company.
  16. Where do I find more information about Asha?
  17. Email us at: info(AT)asha-zurich(DOT)ch! We'll be happy to let you know about what we do.